Welcome everyone to my official blog.

Writing a blog is a first for me; so far I have never even kept a diary, so please go easy on me! I suppose you are eager to know why I created this page, so I won’t make you wait any longer: in this blog I will uncover the hidden side of your favorite series and TV shows, and show you how they advertise luxury brands. As you may know (or not) I am obsessed with these TV programs and since I am currently studying marketing in luxury goods, I thought it would be an interesting subject to discuss.

I will do my best to write daily so you are not left hanging for the next post  (because I know that my articles will be so awesome that you will just want keep reading!). And as I am not a native English speaker, I apologize in advance if you find some mistakes in my writing.

I hope you will enjoy my blog, and I encourage you to comment and let me know what you think, it can always be helpful!

Thank you 🙂
